🔵 By Joseph Hetzel. Photo by lauragrafie.

Mistakes can cost us more than gold
A hefty price, a path unknown
A price we pay, when it’s shown

Regrets can weigh us down like stones
A burden heavy, all alone
A debt to pay, we can’t escape
A price we pay, for our mistakes

Consequences follow like a shadow
A bitter taste, that we can’t swallow
A path we chose, it’s not too late
A price to pay, for our mistake

Mistakes are lessons, hard and true
A chance to learn, to start anew
A wound that heals, a scar that fades
A reminder of the price we paid

So let us learn from our mistakes
TO grow and learn, for our own sake
For in the end, it’s worth the price
To learn and grow, to be more wise

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