MWD 14.O3.22-2O.O3.22

🔵 By Michael Klevene. Photo by lauragrafie.

Michael’s Weekly Diary 14.03-20.03.22

Monday March 14, 2022. Today’s Bible reading: Micah 6:1-8. Another clear, cold morning- picked up breakfast and it’s actually the menu items- oatmeal, biscuits, potatoes. Should get up to 70 deg. Today – 75 tomorrow so the cold front isn’t hanging around long. I did get the confirmation that Buccaneers‘ quarterback Tom Brady is un-retiring to return for at least another year with the Bucs to try for another Super Bowl. He has 7 victories & rings already – more than any other player ever- or more than any other TEAM! Hope to keep most of the other players as many are free agents & could be going to other teams. Picked up lunch but no comment on that. Dinner was very good- spaghetti & meatballs, lots of sauce with onions, peppers & mushrooms, garlic toast. Really happy to have meatballs again after being absent for over a year.

Tuesday March 15. Today’s Bible reading: Matthew 5: 13-16 – „…let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly father…“ Warmer today- high expected to be 76- cloudy with rain expected later. The last cold front moving back North pushed by the warmer Southerly winds. Late breakfast call at 8am- only frosted flakes again. Lunch called & picked up chicken patty sandwich-patties are over-fried again so very hard & crispy – beans & rice also. Gnawed my way through the chicken & left the rest. Rec called at 11:30 but too wet & rainy outside for me so I stayed in and napped until commissary call later this afternoon. Hope the rain stops at least a little for that. Commissary run was dry, breezy & cool today- had to stock up as it’s closed next week for inventory. (Guess they have to find out how much was stolen in the last 6 months…) Dinner supposed to be Salisbury steak & mashed potatoes, but were served some hamburger slime on pasta noodles, so had a pb&j sandwich instead.

Wednesday March 16. Today’s Bible reading: Ezra 4: 5, 24. Good breakfast today – pancakes, grits, banana. Only given 2 milks so none for cellie Tony or Zman. „Grown Man“ officer Williams not here today. Power went out for 20 minutes this morning around 9am – guess the backup generator is not operating. Rec at 8am cancelled after 20 minutes due to lightening strikes. That put our rec at 9:30 moved to another time later – although the sun is out right now. No rec for us today – upstairs dorms C3 & C4 are having a shake-down so all traffic on the compound is stopped as all the officers are working on the shake-down. Late lunch of burger & tater rounds- pretty good today – also had lettuce with the burger- not usually given for that. Very light mail call- also very late in the day after 8:30pm- right before count at 9.

Thursday March 17. Today’s Bible reading: John 14: 1-4. More frosted flakes for breakfast…ate Pop-Tart instead. No „Grown Man“ here again today so anything goes in the dorm – lights left off, clothes on the walls, messes all over the lockers- not „inspection ready“ as demanded by officer Williams. Foggy this morning so had a fog count at 8:30 which held up classes & other activities. Lunch pickup- baked chicken kind of small today but mashed potatoes are really tasty. Rec called at 11:30 but I’m still eating lunch so didn’t make it out – maybe Saturday morning if the rain holds off (but another front is scheduled to bring rain so we’ll see what happens then). Chicken fajitas for dinner- no comment. Another very light quantity mail call today but did get a couple of magazines- unusual for Thursday (almost never get mags on a Thursday…).

Friday March 18. Today’s Bible reading: Song of songs 2: 3-15. Good breakfast of French toast, oatmeal & banana. Called to chow first today so it’s all hot & good. Supposed to have heavy fog this morning but none made it here today. Should be sunny & 86 deg. this afternoon. Newspaper says someone placed heavy bets on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at high odds to win the Super Bowl & NFC South division 3 days before Tom Brady announced his return out of retirement- could be inside information so it’s being looked at. Fish patty sandwich for lunch- nothing wonderful. No rec today – mowing the yard. No great dinner – only chicken fried rice. How come every time I go into the bathroom the sinks are so totally messed up? I’m forever saying „what is WRONG with these people?“

Saturday March 19. Today’s Bible reading: Joel 2: 21-27. Breakfast pickup was oatmeal & spice cake – no frosted flakes for a change. Saturday so no getting inspection ready – easy morning. Lunch pickup scrambled eggs, tater tots, flour tortilla, salsa for making „breakfast burrito“. Mostly sunny so far but rain expected later tonight – 85 deg. today but 72 forecast for tomorrow with the front.

Sunday March 20. Today’s Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 35-44. A bit cool this morning- some rain but not too hard- had to wear my coat to pick up the grits for breakfast. Lunch picked up – boiled eggs, pancakes & potatoes. Pancakes not hard for a change. Rain passed through & mostly sunny this afternoon. Dinner pickup is actually Swedish meatballs – have had no meatballs for the past year but they are finally back! Didn’t have any gravy with them though so made a meatball sub with a hot dog bun & Asian sweet ‚N hot sauce.

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