MWD O7.O3.22-13.O3.22

🔵 By Michael Klevene. Photo by lauragrafie.

Michael’s Weekly Diary 07.02-13.03.22

Today’s Bible reading: James 5: 7-12. Monday March 7, 2022. Went to pick up breakfast – expecting biscuits, potatoes & oatmeal, but got frosted flakes instead. Warm morning – no fog today but cloudy & a chance of rain. Regular work & education callouts all morning but still not down from Level 3 RED restrictions. This afternoon facilities finally came to work on our urinals, but not repairing the sinks yet. Anyway it makes my job easier to have 2 less sinks to keep clean… Rained slightly during dinner pickup – only chicken fried rice & black beans.

Today’s Bible reading: Isaiah 52: 7-10. Tuesday March 8. Went to pick up breakfast expecting bran flakes – but we got what was supposed to be yesterday’s breakfast- biscuits & jelly, potatoes, hot oatmeal, 2 bananas. Already had eaten my Pop-Tart but ate a biscuit & potatoes, some oatmeal as well anyway. We actually got the chicken patty listed on the menu – last week we got fish so the chicken was welcome. Called to commissary early at 2pm – scheduled for 6pm usually but they got the other 2 dorms taken care of quickly. Only partly cloudy during the afternoon so no rain yet. Very cloudy & dark when picking up dinner trays at 5:30 pm – just after we got back to our dorm the thunder & lightening started- followed by a very heavy downpour also for 20 minutes – so happy we missed that storm! It’s only water but the rains we get makes it messy and uncomfortable.

Today’s Bible reading: Psalm 36:5-10. V10 – „Pour out your unfailing love on those who love you; give justice to those with honest hearts“. Wednesday March 9. Went to pick up breakfast – should be pancakes & oatmeal but got frosted flakes today. Did get another Panettone cake and a banana though, so the walk there & back was worth it. Looks like we are at Level 2 YELLOW today as we went with C2 (next door) and we will be going to rec at 9:30 with them also. Under YELLOW we can move together as the upper or lower floors instead of each dorm separately. Maybe level 1 GREEN is coming soon again so we can start eating in the chow hall again. Lunch and dinner were as expected- rain started on the way back to the dorm at dinner but we made it back before the downpour again. Happy we were sent early- kept from getting too wet again.

Today’s Bible reading: Philippians 4:1-7. V8: „…Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise…“ Thursday March 10. Very wet & stormy morning but went to pick up breakfast anyway- hoping for the pancakes we didn’t get yesterday, but only got frosted flakes again, along with bananas. Very few going out in the weather so extra trays given out & 2 bananas. Only kept the bananas. Rain quit by 9am but more is on the way as the clouds keep rolling in – more rain & storms expected through Saturday. Lunch of BBQ chicken today was pretty good – sweet potatoes also. Rain held off so we stayed dry going to pick it all up outside the chow hall. Periods of light to heavy rain/wind all afternoon but partly clear by dinner to pick up steak & cheese sandwich.

Today’s Bible reading: Proverbs 3: 5-8. Friday March 11. Hoped to pick up French toast for breakfast this morning, but got frosted flakes instead. Milks are expiring on today’s date so we were delivered 10 cases of milk to be handed around – not many takers though. Guess they can’t rotate the stock in the cooler right now. Fish for sandwich lunch wasn’t cooked very well- whole center section of filet was slimy white uncooked breading so only ate the end pieces. Storm front moving through so periods of rain & wind but we only have to be in it for a few minutes to pick up meals today. Chicken „Lomein“ dinner is very „low“ indeed – in quality and taste…

Today’s Bible reading: Zephaniah 3: 9-17. Saturday March 12. Still just frosted flakes today – should be oatmeal- very rainy, windy and stormy as the front moves through. Supposed to be much colder as the day goes on. Called last to pick up lunch so got 2 trays – scrambled eggs, pancakes, potatoes, syrup. Starting to clear up outside but had to close the window mostly as the wind was blowing the rain in. Is already feeling cooler too. Chicken Ala King for dinner is dry – should be more gravy or sauce – only 2 pieces of chicken. My cellie Antonio brought back a great lettuce salad he grew fresh from horticulture class yesterday with chives and cherry tomatoes – had enough lettuce for salads last night and today also. Very fresh and tasty as well! That’s the best part of both meals! Thanks Tony!

Today’s Bible reading: Colossians 3: 12-15 – „…forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you so you must forgive others…“ Sunday March 13. Time change last night – moved ahead 1 hour for daylight saving time – lost an hour of sleep. 35 degrees outside this morning and windy after the front moved through (wind chill/feels like 25 degrees – and it’s Florida!) so stayed in & didn’t go to breakfast, which was only frosted flakes again anyway. Had another Pop-Tart, many cups of coffee. Listened to „Weekend Edition“ on NPR radio – heard more disturbing news about what Putin and Russia are doing with the invasion and war against Ukraine – bombing & rockets, missiles against civilians trying to get away, bombing a maternity hospital, airports, apartment buildings, a shoe factory, football stadium, nuclear power facilities, and everything in many towns are being destroyed. Whole cities leveled. Very sad for the Ukrainian people. Lunch pretty good today. Dinner supposed to be roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans – but – we got „baked ziti“, more commonly referred to as chili mac. Very disappointing. I did get some amazing news late tonight after lights out – seems that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback (retired in January) Tom Brady is coming out of retirement for one more try for a Super Bowl run with the Bucs!!! He’ll be 45 years old this year.

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