🔵 By Nicole Followill. Photo by lauragrafie.

The mind can heal or destroy. Sometimes the choice is intentional, sometimes it is unconscious. Everyone has the power of choice. Choose healing, choose positivity, choose happiness, choose peace. Choose to stand up for yourself. Choose love.

The subconscious choices of negativity are sneaky. Often they stem from childhood. As Dr. Edith Eger said in her book „The Choice“: “I haven’t yet learned that the problem isn’t that my sisters taunt me with a mean song; the problem is that I believe them.” When the world hurls falsehoods at us I believe it is our job to be responsible for only our own part. But dissolve the negativity by disputing what is not true. This doesn’t have to be done out loud. It can be as simple as she said: “I am ugly.” Self talk: “I am not ugly, I am beautiful.” Her words are ugly and not true! Then let it go, forget it happened, it doesn’t deserve another inkling of energy.

Sometimes negative thoughts come in form of a “joke”. I am not a fan of these “jokes”. Because, on a bad day, after someone called you stupid a 100 times, you could start to believe it. Draw a boundary with those “jokers”, tell them that you would prefer they not call you stupid. Offer an example: “How about silly?” the people in your life that really care, will respect your wishes. For the unhealthy people, that may be another conversation. Or even the realization that they don’t truly have your well-being at heart. This is one thing I have learned from personal experience. If you don’t put you first, no one else will. Be your #1 cheerleader. Confidence is being humbly certain in your strengths.

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