🔵 By Timothy Freegard. Photo by lauragrafie.

Germany is a thousand times less likely to be the target of multimegaton nuclear weapons than the United States.
China, Russia, North Korea and Iran are keenly aware that the United States is isolated.

The United States is all alone in a wilderness. Its enemies are geographically insulated, from the oncoming nuclear fallout, by the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
Nuclear annihilation of the United States will be a sanitary military operation, oh so simple.

In one scenario Russian and Chinese submarines could slither and sidle to within 30 kilometers miles of its eastern and western shorelines and then in unison launch nuclear payloads. Each sub launched missile contains ten GPS guided nuclear warheads. Each of those brandish a mutilmegaton nuclear warhead.
The U.S. has no „Iron Dome.“

Hundreds of warheads will detonate in earth’s lower atmosphere above all major U.S. cities and all U.S. military bases.
Because they were launched from submarines the U.S will not know for an indeterminate period of time with certainty who exactly it was that attacked them, and this fact will delay U.S. the U.S.’s response. Was it only China? Was it only Russia? Or was it both?
In less than 45 minutes the United States will succumb to utter nuclear devastation.

The U.S. military is lazy, inattentive, fattened, filled with pussies, fags, perverts, hillbilly simpletons and weirdos. Commanded by surly faced closet case Marxists, its homosexual generals overtly admire the cute butts of those serving under them. Supremely arrogant these homosexual perverts have no guiding moral compass.

The United States will be wiped off the face of the earth, and it should happen, well just about any given day.
An arrogant fattened nation whose GOVERNMENT believes it is the world’s Cop, Parole Officer, Judge, Jury and executioner will be destroyed.
The U.S.’s ignorant population whose intellectual mean is that of a fifth grade student have elected fascists and faggots (notwithstanding its corrupted election system) to take the reins of power and those fascists and faggots will now gallop in a frenzy the United States into its grave.
Notwithstanding the fools who join ANY first world country’s military believing they are DEFENDING THAT COUNTRY.

Do they know:
– That their own government opened its borders to the world’s scumbags, cockroaches and criminals, most of them have no marketable skillset?
– That their own government passed out free currency knowing doing so would cause unbearable inflation and would eventually crash their country’s economy?
– That their own government knew that passing out free currency would create an inflationary ripple effect making owning a home impossible for first time buyers?
– That their own government knew that the inflation they created would make owning homes untenable.
– That their own government knew inflation would enable banks to scoop up your former private property, and that those same banks will fail, and that stolen property will become their governments?
– That homeowners will be driven into apartment renting, or renting the home from the government that they used to own themselves?

Summation, that your governments knowingly and wilfully orchestrated the domino effect that abolished ownership of YOUR private property at the behest of unelected power brokers who for the most part even aren’t citizens of your country and yet commanded your government to enact those policies?
The primary Marxist plank thereby achieved.

Your own country adopted a false paradigm created by Bill Gates and other Marxists, that a lethal pandemic that in reality did not even exist, that was no worse than a mild case of the flu, would kill off at least 2% of the world’s population and permanently damage the respiratory systems of10%.

Your own government mandated MRNA bio weapon vaccines on your entire population and targeting with emphasis especially children, and which cause over 1,138 various diseases, including sterility, spontaneous abortion, myocarditis, and the immune system to go haywire and attack the body, and cancers that were in remission to suddenly rebloom.

Your own country adopted a false paradigm that humans cause climate change and everyone must pay inflated prices for gasoline and all must stop using natural gas appliances.

The 2020 era soldier is a coward, a parasite who took the easy way out. Mostly desperate souls with no marketable skillsets. They will now become programmed control freaks. Joining the military and working for the government is merely the first rung on what the ladder of success will eventually morph into as they become programmed parasitic cowards.

Later they will work for the government in other capacities the common thread bring the positions provide a sense of power. A cop, a parole officer, a correctional officer, a bureaucrat, a politician, a judge, always a government position affording steady pay and the ability to control and ruin other’s lives. They will produce nothing, they will suck on the dick of the tax payer for sustenance and drop dead having accomplished nothing in their worthless lives.
So tell me soldier boy with that cute butt of yours, just who is it exactly that are you defending your country against?

It’s your own government that is systematically destroying your country!
However, you will worship your government no matter how evil it becomes because you are a now a programmed coward, a parasite.
Marxists are easy to mass produce when you have created a desperate brainwashed ignorant unskilled young population. Just ask any savvy democrat. With a demonic glint in his eye he’ll explain how its done. He’ll begin, „It starts with spineless emotional faggot University professors and an ignorant population. A Marxist fascist society is being formed in Idaho right now. You should check it out.“

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