🔵 By Timothy Freegard. Photo by lauragrafie.

Powerful close proximity electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) cause health related problems. But let’s make believe that they don’t let’s conclude that powerful EMF’s don’t disorientate, cause leukemia, and cancerous growths such as cell phone generated brain tumors. Let’s make believe that basking in electromagnetic fields brings us closer to God, excites us, stimulates brain activity and promotes healing. After all studies indicate some of that is true. For example orthopedic surgeons strap a power supply over healing bones because studies have shown that bones heal faster when stimulated by electricity. Lightning strikes have created savants, and cocaine has been shown to improve cognition. How much electricity and just how much cocaine? Electricity killed my mother, so I don’t suggest trying that. I’ve tried lots of cocaine, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t gotten any smarter but all that coke did use up a whole lot of heartbeats. You only have so many you know.
A turtle’s heart beats really slow, so it lives for 300 years. A hummingbird’s beats really fast, and it lives for 300 days, okay I don’t know but you get the picture.

Okay, so electric car charging stations are being constructed all across the united States.
What a stupid plan!
Charging stations!
Can you believe, these idiots are actually building „charging stations?“
Do the charging stations come with a room to bed down in while waiting for three or six or twelve hours for your zippy car to slurp up its fill of electrons?
Three things must occur to make this electric car thing feasible and practical.

1. Build nuclear power plants across the planet. Every country on Earth will need to build micro nuclear power plants. Nuclear power plants do not pollute, they do not use fossil fuels. Therefore the electric cars would become an acceptable practicable ecological commodity.

2. Stop building charging stations.


3. Start building battery pack „change out“ stations. You zip your vehicle into one end of a box store like building. A forklift snatches the depleted battery pack from the vehicle and another forklift replaces it with a fully charged pack. Changeout time is 10 minutes. The same time it took to fill your tank with gas. All electric cars are to be designed around this quick battery change out process. All electric vehicles will use no more than about twelve different types of battery packs, all of which are stocked at the „change out“ stations. A fully charged pack costs about what you used to pay for gas, perhaps less.

Elon Musk needs to become involved in pushing for construction of nuclear power plants and quick change out stations or his electric car idea will become a passing fad. If I were a billionaire that built electric vehicles I would be building „quick change out battery pack electric cars“, and lobbying for the construction of micro nuclear power plants the world over. But what do I know, after all I’m just a bank robber.

Oh, I almost forgot, one more thing needs to happen. All Marxist and homosexual University professors and politicians must be summarily executed and replaced by intelligent people who aren’t driven by abhorrent suicidal tendencies. Otherwise we will never have the technical level needed to manage those quick change out stations and those nuclear power plants.

Of course I’m right, I’m always right. If you were Scottish you’d always be right!

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