🔵 By Timothy Freegard. Photo by lauragrafie.

1. The papacy changed God’s 2nd, 4th, and 10th commandments and
2. the papacy changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
3. The papacy est. Christ’s birth as December 25th: a pagan „Sun“ holiday.
4. Celebrates Easter after the first full moon following the spring equinox, a pagan holiday.
5. Claims that Mary is the, „MOTHER of God“ and that you must therefore pray to her.
6. The papacy prays to saints prays to people.
7. Papacy prays to crucifix and rosary. Praying through RELICS deflects prayer away from God.
8. Catholics must confess their sins to a priest that’s akin to asking a demon possessed homosexual pedophile for forgiveness.
9. Conducts rituals ostensibly changing wine and wafer into the blood and body of Jesus Christ papacy’s demonic invention of transubstantiation.
10. Created church Aristocracy detracting from glorification of Jesus, supplanted by glorification of men.
11. Tortured and slaughtered Christians for amusement and entertainment.
12. Burned people at stake for reproducing the Bible.
13. Burned people at stake for possessing the Bible.
14. Burned people at stake who exposed the papacy for being the Whore.
15. Priests adorn themselves in colorful flowing robes, the dress code used by ancient pagan priests.
16. Papacy is responsible for the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages were dark because the gospel of Jesus was kept from the world.
17. Baptize babies which have no reasoning ability needed to equate the significance of the acceptance of Jesus Christ, a false baptism. Confirm their faith as Christians at 12 years of age. Jesus was baptized when he was 27, not at birth not 12.
18. Like Gollum the papacy clings to its unimaginable wealth and knowledge.
19. Papacy dictates to Kings, Princes, the United Nations it fornicates with world powers to increase its worldly power and image.
20. The Pope is THE ONLY religious leader on Earth that speaks to the United Nations assembly.
21. Vicarus Feli Dei (Vicar of the Son of God) the pope’s arrogant self proclaimed title. Calculate that number. It is 666.
22. Invented purgatory. Nonsense!
23. The Inquisition.
24. Demonized women ‚beer brewers‘ as witches.
25. Boasts a vast worldwide network of homosexual child predator priests.
26. Adolph Hitler would not have been elected had it not been for Catholic Priests and Lutheran clerics promoting him to German parishioners
27. Google „Pope kissing Lord Rothschild’s hand, the most powerful Jewish family on Earth. Lord Rothschild must have forgotten about the Holocaust
Or is Lord Rothschild a Jew of the Synagogue of Satan?
28. From its inception the Catholic church’s objective was to be all religions to all people. The word Catholic means Universal.
29. The Italian mafia wears their Roman Catholic patronage as if it provides them supernatural protection. Satan protects the Italian mafia.

What fools are Catholic? Joe Biden, Shaun Hannity, Nancy Pelosi, Governor Cuomo. People who brag about their reasoning abilities yet can’t divine that they partake in a demon infested cult!
The papacy exists to deceive Christians 1.4 billion anti christian Catholics are alive today. Catholicism is the largest religious cult on Earth. The papacy has murdered MORE Saints than any other cult. The papacy is blessed by Satan consequently it’s cursed by God.

Italians are concerned more about „image“ than any other ethnicity. A key satanic quality is the obsession with IMAGE. In the Secular World Italy expresses that materialistic archetype quality boasting the most coveted cars, artwork, clothing, architecture, jewelry, food, all things pleasure or image related i.e., the most coveted material comforts are produced by Italians. It’s their reward for assisting Satan for two millenia. Italians are comforted and possessed by Satan but cursed by God. Few notice…God’s delusion is powerful. Come out of Babylon people God is about to pour out the wine of his wrath and indignation on Rome and Italy.

Provide these facts to Italians and they hopelessly refuse to accept it. Delusional, they avoid truth. The Holy Spirit allows Satan to conjure powerful delusions, consequently there is no hope for the acursed Italian. Few ask for help or forgiveness from Jesus, convinced they’ve done nothing wrong arrogantly insisting they have nothing to do with what their ancestors did to Christians, or they might claim e.g., Romans aren’t Italians!“

Where is Rome?
Demons exist to possess.
Who would demons target?
Those that can do the most for Satan.
Italians are Satan’s chosen people.
Better seek the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ…times just about up buddy boy.
Integrated, demons live comfortably inside most Italians as a result of their ancestral history.
Satan’s powerful delusion.
The one two punch that dooms your souls.

The whole point of Satan’s delusion is to prevent a people from becoming aware of the evil they’re partaking in. A billion naive Christians are caught up in a worldwide false religion, and its 1,700 year long traditions. These Christians are concerned with, „How am I appearing to others?“
Not, „How do I appear to God?“
Not good!

Eons ago, naive and ignorant Christians joined the Papacy Sun Day worshipers stupidly participating in their pagan rituals. In the fourth commandment God commanded, „REMEMBER the Sabbath.“ It is God’s ONLY commandment that begins with the word „REMEMBER!“
I suggest you look for the REMNANT Church. The church that REMEMBERS the Sabbath.

Sunday worship IS a sign, the Mark of the Beast IS accepted. You were warned and yet willfully and deliberately you stubbornly ignored God’s 4th commandment: to „REMEMBER the Sabbath!“
God knew Satan would change God’s Laws and Times and so He warned you all to: „REMEMBER“ the Sabbath. For a primer on the papacy that will awaken your stupidified brain read, Dave Hunt’s, „A Woman Rides the Beast.“

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