🔵 By Thomas Riffenburg. Photo by lauragrafie.
Go o man, set yourself with eyes of pure sight, like fire burning through fog, find the shore upon which lies the books of true knowledge, search them, set yourself to know wisdom, then begin to see the world as it truly is, not as it has been taught to seem…
How many a man truly see this world’s ways for what it is? Dead men see it. Those few alive who see its ugly face, its insecure palace wobbling in a foundation of uncertainty, like a glass house surrounded by rocky hills on all sides, they are but waiting to die, for the world has sentenced them to death. This world cannot abide the courageous within it, those dreamers, those seekers of justice who with the bold inner strength of titans, declare loudly their intent, and with the resolve of iron plow forth heading in righteous fury to claim the honor of freedom, true honor amidst the black waters of chaos, like an avenging angel of god come to smite the corrupt tyranny of suffocation, no the world cannot bear such, so death for the man of courage.
Death for any man upon a path but the acceptable path of the world. Stand out amongst the world if you dare o man, against its ways, neither peace nor goodness will aid your life, for the world gives the sentence of death to all who cannot be whipped into submission. Stand tall in courage, stand tall in humility, stand tall as the good and just, declare plainly the non-free world, dare to show men true freedom, dare to speak of strength which will not, which can not be broken, and die in your stance. Many a man have done just that, and through the strength of joy, the strength of true freedom, have become the enemy of the world. Only one path is allowed in the world, that is the worlds path. Dead men chose another path, not one found by many, and like criminals of the worst kind, everything was stripped from them, yet they broke not, they chose not to be humbled, chose not to declare their path unjust, and so died, died a freemans’ death. How many a man today die a freemans’ death?
The cost of freedom is high, higher than monies or materials can reach, higher than most will pay, and so slaves die everyday, but freemen, freemen die only now and again…
Now that you have read wisdom’s books of true knowledge, now you have seen, now you have climbed to the mountains summit and understand where freedom lies, and so what will be your life, your death, bound or free? How easy it is to climb down he mountain, how hard it is to stay atop.