🔵 By James Kelley. Photo by lauragrafie.

Some amazing news here in Arkansas. Sarah Huckabee (Republican) is running for Governor of the state. Her big promise is that she will push to reenact the “P.E.” law for Arkansas inmates if she is elected. I don’t know much about the P.E law, except that it is rumored to be retroactive. Meaning, that I James Robert Kelley (ADC #146720) will be out of prison by 2024! that is if Sarah really holds to her promise. That, my dear readers is huge news! This “P.E law” would allow many of us prisoners to be released. Yes, that may include sex offenders being released. However, statistically speaking sex offenders are one of the lowest rates of recidivism (re offend). While I am excited, this “P.E” law has been rumored numerous times over the last 12 years that have been locked away. Through my journey, I have grown and learned tons. Yes, I have made mistakes, I am still human, one mistake almost cost me my life. I am coming to the end of this journey. I have been walking this long tunnel. I am starting to see a bright light down the tunnel. Maybe that light is closer than I thought; luckily, I have family that love and support me. I have lost family, friends, and possibly more. Unfortunately, the light is still too far away to tell if the light is salvation, freedom, or just a train. Only time will tell. Thank you for reading this, and I’ll write again soon.

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