🔵 By Herbert Warren. Photo by lauragrafie.

Need courses through my veins for you.
I breathe the cucumber-melon of your skin,
taste the sour apple of your tongue;
but long to drink from the deep wells of your heart,
to savor your thoughts like my last meal .

Wishing Rosetta could translate
the hieroglyphs of my soul:
My memories of you
sailing across the Atlantic of life,
cramped in the quarters of my mind;
longing for freedom…
for the Sahara’s heat,
for the Congo’s touch,
for the Tom- Tom’s dancing pulse.

Need courses through my dreams of you.
I view heaven’s vista beneath your hair,
feel love in the lava of your embrace;
but yearn to swim the cinnamon seas of your eyes,
to rest in your trust like a bed of clouds –

Wishing hummingbirds could carol
the melodies of my soul:
My memories of you
moaning my blood-stained spirituals,
pressed in the fields of my mind,
yearning for freedom…
for the Canadian chill,
for the midnight train,
for the churchbell’s enchanting chime.

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