🔵 By Timothy Payne. Photo by lauragrafie.
The walls meant to contain
The taint of men bound in chains
Is powerless to prevent the spread
Of influence written to be read
For each man declared unfit
For a society of civility
There is a family bound by love
To overlook all accounts of social debt
Through the familiar ties
The criminality of an imprisoned mind
Will tickle and then entwine
The thinking of the civilized
All the while political minds
Shrouded in self-deceit continue to repeat
The slogan We Are Though on Crime
A rhyme failing into realize a society
Less criminalized
Men and women disconnected from the social ruin
Of criminal’s and victim’s social ties
Make rules to rehabilitate
Through means of societal hate that demoralize
The men they purport to help become civilized
The only achievement the talking heads actualize
Is the physical separation of the criminal
Who then becomes more criminalized
These men reaching into society through
Their family ties
What the politicians fail to realize
Is the fact most will re-enter society
Ill prepared to remain on the outside
Society is further harmed by broken men
Who are victims of a broken system
That seeks to condemn rather than mend
The purposed solution is longer sentences
For the criminal mind they say is beyond redemption
These politicians who are disconnected from society
Fail to realize they are the problem
Not the solution