🔵 By Matthew Boivin. Photo by lauragrafie.
A black hole rises in the darkness
drowning Anger, Pain and Frustration into itself
Light and dark are equally consumed as the darkness spreads
The borders touch a rigidly constructed wall of stone
And the evil thing continues to feed upon itself.
Tides churn and lightning rages as the battle for control begins
Chaos and structure war for the right
To wear the red badge of horrors
The path to nowhere has led them to each other
Pain destroys Hope destroys Despair destroys Happiness
Innocence wanders into the fray, as the dogs of war gnash their bloody fangs
Far from Hope and driven from Joy
Love’s chariot lies overturned and shattered
The reaper man finds his fill in the shadows of lost Hatred
How many have fallen to the ire of Hate as the window to Peace remains barred.
Inside the world, the outside falls to the Whim of the tortured child
Fallend, bloody, torn and laughing
Insanity walks the battlefield
Prowling with sword in hand knowing no ally
They all fall to his giant rage as the Sword sings her bloody love song
Hope, Joy, Happiness, and light Despair, Anger, Frustration, and Hate
All fall to Insanity’s Love.
And what remains is known only as a shell
What remains is the culmination of lifelong Pain
What remains is Death’s Rage and Love’s hopeless Joy.