🔵 By Thomas Riffenburg. Photo by lauragrafie.
I hear it over and over again, spoken and protested by all manner of people, „Why do you keep locking people up?!“ „America has the highest percentage of incarcerated people in the world!“ „Get rid of prisons!“
I have often wondered if people saying and chanting such things have rationally thought over the words they speak, or perhaps, as I suspect, they are simply speaking from emotion. I myself am no fan of prison and its ways, serving a life sentence within these dull and smothering walls. I wish fire from the heavens would rain down upon the walls surrounding prisons, freeing us all, but then again, I am sometimes a bad person who’s wishing bad things, thus one who belongs in prison.
I’ve had dreams of starting the next revolutionary war in America spreading its hate-filled message across the globe to set afire law and order, ushering into the seat of authority the ever exciting chaos. I wonder if people can imagine the murder and mayhem of the prison population upon a city, I can. I wonder if fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers think about the innocence of the young girls in their lives, I know that more than half of the prison population does that all day every day, those filthy rapists and child-molesters who make up the majority of any prison I’ve been to. I wonder if people value all that they work hard for in life, for I know most in prison would rather beat and rob a person than get a job, I mean, why suffer through work when what you need is free for the taking? Lol.
As I watch all these emotional protestors on the news or read their scalding remarks regarding the inhumane system of prisons, I can’t help but notice that these people are insane, and I can’t help but to hope that they succeed. I agree with them, why lock up a murderer like me? Let loose the violence and chaos, the gangs and the sex-offenders, but then again, I am at times a bad man.
To all those emotionally fueled insane people who wish to abolish prisons, we on the inside give you a wicked applause, and hope you succeed in your madness.