🔵 By Terell Davison. Photo by lauragrafie.

(Hardly edited.) I have come to understand we could be foolish to say, we are greater than another person just because we outweigh them in our area, where they are weak in life. Hebrews 11:24 say, we should think about each other to see how we can encourage each other to show love and do good works. Review Matthew 7:12 „A very important rule.“ We were made to build others up showing guidance through love having passion to remove them from their hurt and not push them in a grave or throw dirt on their name with judgement because you see, weakness, but able yourself to stand that challenge near you, in that area.

We may at times be unaware of our thoughts being challenged by the enemy against others. I was having a conversation long ago in 2006 while in prison with a elder who was my cellmate name brother „B“. He said unto me, „Brother! You cannot stop a bird from flying over your head but you can allow them not to put a nest in your hair/mind.“ I say things which are helpful understanding my tongue that nothing has life into we speak faith over it to come alive. „Many“ Long ago judged the shepherd with slender to mislead the sheep understanding that the sheep voice is powerful in their cry through views of a thing/situation, themselves the leaders had gifts and the grace to help another balance justice. Remember my Host! Reality is an experience. Not their story who live not among us.

So what about the things you could have done to help someone? And you didn’t. Forming yourself as a weapon against what need your care, allowing pride to make you feel to seem, your batter attaching self-righteous as your ruled to shame what you don’t know to a world not caring about the language you use to condemn youth, from their law through your speech to feed off worldly clarity among those who have never been pure at heart considerate to feel good about you. Does not folly needs energy? Do not misery loves company as well?

Everyone has a flaw, no one is 100% perfect in this temple. Even those who trying to overcome the wolves in a option of a experience, in a „life and death situation“ while loving ourself, and others if they may, hope to love us.“

You must take your time and humble your emotion to make the right discoverer from our grace in heart. It is levels, how they carry judgement and many are wrong but looked passed from the root. Because compensation by self-righteous groups in the view of how they feel to make your believe. 1 Corinthians 6:1-3 say, when one of you has something against someone else in your group, why do you go to the judges in the law courts? The way they think and live is wrong. So why do you let them decide who is right? Why you don’t let God holy people decide who is right? Don’t you know that Gods people will judge the world? So if you will judge the world, then surly you can judge small arguments like this. You know that in the future we will judge angels.

We are condemning our youth through the system which was built against our fruits in labor of loves protection by those who call themself a leader sitting in their office having an image controlling our nation with intention of greed, with hatredship, as fellowship against one another having different, colors, red and blue, not mixing to make purple, relations, from glory. That is the „clothen of Christ awaken for all.“

We also in these moments will learn of ourselves while merge spirit with others to see insight, what we have grown to have knowledge of and move forward from the unjust folly nonsense lustful envy fake love entertaining such spirits of brave, to confront and bring justice willing to suffer and make a change. Christ experience! Manner.

Obedience is made perfect while being yourself daily night and day. Being a blessing to someone else, while fighten a storm yourself is strength beyond this world untouched by an human. When being you daily, showns others who you really are giving them a chance and choose, to see, what to expect not misleading their own soul as a devoted person. I also love, to put it in these terms no investigations with our elders in our fields, no right to speak because our village knows each child intentions balance between the two. You can condemn a unjust reason, blind, who is really a victim. Just because death appeared beyond your sight, you condemn through fear of life.

It is not my job to shown the world who I am. It’s my job to be the best I am, among God. You fear what you don’t understand. And don’t mine allowing to die what you don’t want to learn. You love with you think is right. But hate the truth that renews you from your wrong teaches. You worship the spirit of following worldly gossip. But, hide your praise to acknowledge God, will bring justice. The Lord is my shepherd who shall I fear? Hebrews 10:32-39 say keep the courage and patience you had. Remember the days when you first learned the truth. You had a hard struggle with much suffering but you continued strong.

Sometimes people said hateful things to you and mistreated you in public. And sometimes you help pthers who were being treated that same way. Yes you helped them in prison and shared in their suffering and were still happy when everything you owned was taken away from you. You continued to be happy because you knew that you had something much better. Something that would continue forever. So don’t lose the courage that you had in the past. Your courage will be rewarded richly. You must be patient. After you have done what God wants, you will get what he promised you. He says, Very soon now the one who is coming will come and will not be late. The person who is right with me will live by trusting in me. But I will not be please with the one who turns back in fear. But we are not those who turn back and are lost. No, we are the people who have faith and are saved. The Believer! God bless.

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