Contact me at:
Bobby Singleton #1596958
Memorial Unit
59 Darrington Road
Rosharon, TX 77583
🎉 Birthday: April 22, 1979
📯 Bobby is allowed to receive:
– 10 photos per envelope
– 7 papers per envelope
Bobby says:
If you like to laugh loud and often stop here! True enough life is hard, but you have to find those memorable moments that make it worthwhile. I am a life long learner. I enjoy reading all types of books: murder/mystery, spy books, military history or history in general, auto and biographies, psychology/self-help, and theology. I am currently a student involved in a seminary program scheduled to graduate in December of 2023 with a Bachelors of Arts in Applied Ministry. Throughout life I have overcome many obstacles, of my own making or those given to me, but the most important things I have learned are: Never let your joy be taken and what does not kill you makes you stronger.