🔵 By Christopher Rowland. Photo by lauragrafie.
When I see a forest, I desire to be an Earthchild, one with Natures peace, as I yearn to learn Natures ways, I begin my Joyous journey! Deep within me, I long to defend Natures Sanctity and as I do so, I reclaim true Mankinds, sanity.
To build an abode deep into a forest, seems one way to merge with Nature. Yet, as I bring so much of anti Nature materials, I betray my inner sense of need, to be Green and Natural!
Can White mankind live as the Indians have been, as tribal dwellers of Natures bounty and solace? I, know not, and it seems so unlikely, as to bring despair. One man and his devoted woman helpmate, may go always toward green yearning, by learning to live with Nature, never against, Her!
Earth Mother, is dying, forests denuded, polluted and so many animals going extinct! He wicked, do not care, nor soulless shells, filled with machines, devils or aliens! So look not at such, for any care about natures, plight. They, only care about the devils playground, as our world perishes away into devils slavery and material, waste!
They feign indifference, or mild concern, based solely upon their politics, or richness at risk of collapse. Only the innocent soul in body, can truly care the Erda, Nerthus-Gaia, our mother nature! Ye, as we sodomy our souls away into torments, or slavery, we become only another anti nature shell, at devils bidding!
So then, natures children, be natural, man with woman only and beware sodomy sin, for it brings only death while living and no more cares, or love of nature.
If we fix that terrible flaw, as mankind, we will again rise in goodness measure and will become natures treasure, again. We will green first, earth first, our way ahead and learn how to defeat the wicked perverts, as natures new knighthood!
Let us then my friends, found “the goodness order”, as nexus for all of those yet of goodness world wide and become its knights, in good natures service. I am today, only a lowly prisoner, of decades of sufferings, as I tribulate and languish, bereft of true, friends. Yet, I alone, have spent over 100,000 hours of mental focus scenarios for goodness endeavors and I have discovered all solutions of solutionary paradigm, imperatives.
I alone, know the way and alone, I am. Surrounded by devils, androids, etc, all bent upon sabotage of my existence, or progress! Find me, learn me and though I may never gain freedom, “to you”, I would give all that I know and “you” could then champion, for goodness natures sake!!!
Are you awake? I am awakened, yet contained, constrained and stultified, by the soulless in with it, who hate nature-goodness or don’t care a bit for it. Rescue me then, natures friends, for your friend I am, in deed-voice, I uphold my choice, to be real-alive!!!
I watch PBS-Link TV, listen to Coast to Coast AM Radio Show, to learn and keep abreast, as I may. Of much that I see or hear I am joyous, for we awaken and now strive to keep nature alive, as never before! My salutes to you all of goodness love for nature and our sakes, as mother-father nature, intended!
With these words, I reach out to all of you, who can resonate with me. See me, not as prison dictated I be, before I wished to true awakeness and strove to become my true me. I am, as I say I am and as my deeds prove me to be! I long to be the founder of “goodness order” and not its leader, or owner.
Simply one of its knighthood, championing its way ahead and at freedom, in a forest to live my life remaining. To die away in a forest, my deepest yearning I’ve learned, as natures knight, I then fight for Good Erda!
Find me, I plea, for you, I need “for you are the tree and I am the seed!”