🔵 By Daniel Broome. Photo by lauragrafie.
Allow me to hover with you, eyeing your watch. No secrets here – like an unkempt whisper. Obliged to uncensor your breach; the now surrounding walls and my own darkness will cool you: I know you didn’t enter here with a candle to keep us warm. No more your insurrection than my invitation, I humble to will your impression on me… before you swim back to the light. Where my hand waits.
I would drop the notion of things implied, anything set forth as another intentional misrepresentation of another must be an appeal to a feeding frenzy; the “bait” fears the intention of piranha, but the “farmer” will fatten his sheep with grass – but “they” know nothing except EAT.
These days I don’t know that it matters what’s particularly transmitted and then gleaned as a watchful message; the fact that one doesn’t know the circumstances and inherent peculiarities of an individual makes it obvious you won’t know what you’re insorting into the fold is to be admired, only that the majority and its partisans agree – this is what the blind eye of the majority is down here: “this is what we’re like, be us or else…” But how does one have, gain, come into the appearance of the possession of, “the capacity” to institute and advance his/her own path to the mind of the majority (“the mass mind?”) from that of incoherence, into the acceptance of communion and, to become enchanted by the community of it? “Hey, how ya doin? I like what you’re wearing, what you’re saying, ya looks harp, on point. But I can’t think of those things because I’m trying to figure out what I DON’T like.” … Doesn’t this all sound a bit… harmful? Like these stupid little petty complexes are so liberally spread, with little thought involved, and just serves to erase all: individuality? I can go on ; is this starting to sound like “gang mentality?” Uh, is it not safe to walk alone anymore? Will you face attack and ridicule, from a high-school mentality; will you be confronted by and made an enemy of a petty tribalistic group with an agreed-upon interest; and if you’re the only one to experience this that day will anyone, neighbors, twelve jurors, believe you when 10-1 against you enters the courtroom, in pretty suits and dresses, and exclaims a collective story against you?
This is only “one” direction its possible to end up, when petty interests feed into the minds of people unwilling to know anything but themselves, and limit vision, with preconceived assertions of anyone, or thing, attained without the pursuing of understanding the concept of the individual or thing – enter Right/Left “Partisanship”, gangs and gang mentality, police and unwealthy citizens; all laughably in need of a “common enemy” to survive lest they turn on one another. Eat grass.
In the case of the individual – somewhere in the language of a representation painted on you may be condescension: an inherent defense mechanism, or, safety mechanism if you will – and, in our organism here, may attract and attach to one’s weariness – a bi-product of being fed the vicissitudinous math of life, piece by piece, and having the full equation, and the answer, perpetually withheld; ever perplexed under the whim of the stranger, come willingly or not. Choose your perpetrator wisely…