🔵 By Timothy Freegard. Photo by lauragrafie.

The CIA, FBI, et al do not work for U.S. presidents, nor do they work for congress. Mainstream media does not work for the people. Publishing houses, teacher’s unions, newspapers, none have this country’s constitution or welfare at heart. They work for the Rothschild banking family. Rothschilds exercise control over most.
Rothschilds fomented the French Revolution, and later bankrolled Napoleon.

In 1917 Rothschild drafted the Balfour agreement and then manipulated the victory of the British over Germany by deviously placing an American ship in Uboat crosshairs thereby bringing the United States into World War 1, or the British would have lost. Rothschild told the British Prime minister, „Agree to establish a home for Israel (Balfour Agreement) and I will change the course of war.“

This family are the Jews of the synagogue of satan as is Soros, Schumer, Schiff, and Rosenstein. Their aim is a ONE WORLD SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT. Their current boss is Lord Rothschild.
I read many books and was taught by wise me before being convinced.

To understand the harm of socialism, I read:
The Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand.
To confirm that the Rothschild banking dynasty is indeed the head of the snake and has been for 270 years I read:
„The creature from Jeckyll Island“, Ed Griffin.
„Which Way Western Man“, by William Gayley Simpson.
„The Unseen Hand,“ by Ralph Epperson.
and, a fictional novel written in 1971,
„The Captains and the Kings.“

Google: „The pope kissing Rothschild’s.
To determine that Freemasonry is in fact an insidiously satanic fraternity I read, „The Morals and Dogma of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,“ by Albert Pike. Mr. Pike is a most slithersome writer, it was not easy to divine the evil from between his lines, but I did.
My parents are Scottish, I am not pleased that Freemasonry has polluted some Scots. I owned and managed an heating and air conditioning company located in Kirkland, WA. from 1992 to 1996.
I also managed to find the time to spend 30 years in prison.

How and where else was I going to find the time to educate myself?
I am self educated. I have read somewhere around 1800 books.
Global warming is not created by greenhouse gases, that is farcical.
Earth generates an electromagnetic field.
Earth’s EMF has weakened by 9% in the past 120 years. Consequently more cosmic radiation is penetrating Earth’s weakened Van Allen Belt and Earth’s climate is more energized, it’s warming.
The Earth’s core is a natural NUCLEAR REACTOR.
When too much heavy fuel migrates to Earth’s core that reactor strengthens and Earth’s EMF increases sending earth into an ice age. Concomitant volcanic eruptions that release excess energy pressure and ash is blamed for those ice ages.


The strengthened electromagnetic field (EMF) caused the ice age, not Earth’s pressure relief valves (volcanoes). Idiots!

Helium 3 is emitted as a gas from every volcano on Earth, without exception. Helium 3 is a gas created by nuclear fusion. The Earth’s EMF is created by a nuclear reaction at earth’s core. Earth’s EMF fluctuates as the reactor’s fuel fluctuates. The heaviest radioactive elements migrate to Earth’s center. Isaac Newton established a theory that the the simplest answer that solves the most issues is the correct one.

Therefore, I am correct.
Not enough fuel descending to Earth’s nuclear core weakens Earth’s EMF.
In either instance there is absolutely nothing humans can do about it.
If Earth’s EMF continues to weaken…well demons and the Sons of Disobedience know what is coming…the Earth will burn up its oceans, rivers, and lakes will boil off into outer space as happened to Mars when it lost its electromagnetic field. Demonizing the building block of all life forms is precisely what Satan would do. Watch that carbon footprint buddy carbon is pretty evil stuff.

Never mind that the Earth’s crust is comprised of less than 1%, carbon is extremely rare.
Let’s collect it and bury it in pits!
Never mind that 408.5 ppm carbon dioxide is far too insignificant an amount to cause heat retention/reflection. Never mind that earth’s 78% atmospheric nitrogen buffer will prevent greenhouse gases from ever becoming a greenhouse issue.

Never mind that we were lied to in school that a:
„A huge molten ball of iron and nickel creates Earth’s electromagnetic field!
At university those same kids that study magnetics then learn that, „Molten iron and nickel cannot generate a magnetic field.“ Whoops!

Never mind we were lied to in school:
A kid is taught by communist union teacher dirtbags, Darwin’s hypothesis, (it is not a theory) that:
„Everything is evolving, that humans evolved from apes.“
The same kid then goes to university and studies physics and learns the 2nd Law of thermal dynamics, that the law of entropy confirms, „Everything is devolving.“ Whoops!

After 50 years of looking around I have determined that the Seventh Day Adventists are a remnant of the true church. I recently noted that all of my past favorite girlfriends were employed in the medical field. I had two girlfriends who were registered nurses, June and Iris and one who was a respiratory therapist, Alice, and another was the chief nutritionist at San Francisco General Hospital for twenty years holding a masters in nutrition, and a masters in psychology, Linda. I seem to be attracted to women in health care. They are true to the feminine spirit and of noble character. Seventh Day Adventist is perfect! If only I had figured all this out forty years ago. There is no remnant church here (in ISCI), only antichristian Catholic and you know that Mormon Greed and women monger cult.

Inbred hillbilly simpletons, ever watch the movie, „Deliverance.“
Idaho, is native American for „Land of Many Rivers.“
Add to that, „Land of inbred perverts.“

Don’t come here, Ernest Hemingway did and wound up dead.

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