🔵 By Emick Lee. Photo by lauragrafie.

Silence me? Never, for my thoughts deserve to be heard, I would die by withering inside without expression, act out in ways that’s unhealthy maybe. My voice is my contribution to society! So I learned to take my voice seriously so others would have to at some point in time. My voice is my thought process at work, my way of sharing with the world around me. My voice is my life for I too analyze and internalize the world around me, and must put order to my thoughts so the world in which I live is coherent. I use my voice for understanding and to silence me is to strip me of the very thing I need to become healthy and that’s understanding. I too have hopes and dreams and desire to give voice to a better tomorrow. I’m unique and that makes me special and I see the world through the mental lenses like no one else. So why must I be silent when others are busy deciding what the world will look like for me? Others are busy making decisions for me right down to the minute details to where there’s hardly decisions left for me or my children’s generation. Why must I be subject to aptitude test to be considered worthy of voice and they wonder how rap music evolved. Oh, the battle scars of being voiceless in a world of war on the voiceless. Is this the all and be all of so-called society, a society built upon the silencing of the multitudes? Do I keep my head down and suffer in silence and continue to teach my peers and children too? To go along peacefully and quietly allowing a system to swallow my truths. To incorporate my life force into its impersonal massive worldwide government of me and others. I don’t think I can go another day with my thoughts confined to me because my thoughts are my hopes and dreams.

And don’t tell me I don’t understand real issues of life when my investment of life and death is the same payment as everyone else. I’m tired of being discarded because of race, culture, or age and never counted as an intellectual. If I don’t understand every issue please explain them to me from the way you see them without deceit, manipulation, bias or outright lies under the heading of classified or top secret. Is life’s education given on a need to know basis only. As if I lack intellect or intelligence. I have the ability to reason too. If it’s true that shit runs downhill then maybe the leaders of the communities and government are the problem or is it the system of silencing the multitudes. Please tell me how do I acquire the rights of freedoms and liberty’s others seem to be born into? My voice is my weapon and not my vote in an world where democracy is being sold right down the toilet drawn! So I can no longer refrain from speaking my mind as honestly and openly as a intellect can. If it takes a village to raise a single child then we all have a duty to be heard by raising our voices. It’s us that give dialogue and reason to speak to one another through our unique perceptions, facts, and opinions. We as individuals are the world as beings experiencing a human physical experience. We are the world we see rather, silent, passive, and non-combative as others would have us to be while making decisions for us and our future generations. It’s our voices that will set tomorrow’s stage. No one should ask to speak for you and me unless it’s our thoughts carefully searched being conveyed. It’s time our life lessons start to speak for us and not the school one went to when it comes to human beings relating because we all need and deserve the same things.

A voice and the venue to be heard. Today I dare to speak. Today in worthy of debate, discussion, and the ability to speak towards the change within the world I wish to be as well as see. I must become the living reality of my visions even to the point of allowing others regardless of opposing views to be heard. I no longer want to only be captive to the actors on stage who have kept me audience long enough. Today is the day my voice rises and I leave my seat. My voice is my active conscious now speaking. My voice is my faith that dead belief is blind and I must honor those before and after me through expression and my words will today honor the life I’ve been given and my ability to reason. Thank you!

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