🔵 By Cody Edwards. Photo by lauragrafie.

What’s it mean to kill someone? How does society judge a good killing from a bad one? Our government leaders can decide when to send off nearly countless people to go to war and kill one another over a dispute with another government agency and both sides tell their men it’s for the food of their country and their God. These men don’t even know each other, yet they aimlessly kill one another. Our society AND our government is 100% okay with this and these men come back heroes for killing men they don’t even know, for reasons of only what their told, not the truth more than likely. After all would you kill someone about an argument that you weren’t there for and it had nothing to do with you or the ones you loved?

It’s funny our country condones violence yet it’s the very root it was built off of and lives by today, as long as it’s on their terms. I know men who have killed, many of them. Society deemed this man a murderer for defending his wife and child in his own home and gave him life in prison. Another man was molested his entire childhood and got old enough to kill the people who did it and he was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. Let your society and you deemed him a bad man and a cold murderer. Would you not defend your family with your life? Would you not kill the people who molested you and took your innocence away? Is this not survival as the animals of nature that we are?

People go out and kill deer and other animals which have a pure spirit that don’t know evil or choice. Just instinct to eat fucking grass and mate. Yet this person isn’t deemed a killer for killing something as innocent as a new born child. They are simply surviving, feeding their family and is considered a good person. If this man didn’t kill these child molesters then how many other children must go through the same fate as him? What if your child was next?this man was the true hero. He got not only justice for himself but saved other people at the same time. What about killing a drug dealer that sells drugs that kills other people? Is one not justified for killing the dealer when the dealer was profiting off of others pain and weakness? Isn’t this dealer no better than our government? Controlling lives accordingly to the dealers needs.

What’s crazy is in prison I see how fucked our society is. These do called “killers”, “murderers” have to spend the rest of their lives in prison for doing what needed to be done. Yet I see child molesters who only get 5-15 years in prison. Their sentence gets longer each time they got caught! Destroying life after life, and then these kids go to dealers to get high to take their pain away and then society cast them aside as junkies and drug addicts and no good to society. So we keep these good men locked up and release the bad ones. How does this make sense? Look at carnivore animals, they kill to survive. It’s their nature ingrained in their DNA. They’re not evil, it’s what they are. Look at herbivores. They fight to fight over a mate but only kill when they have to which is rarely.

Human DNA is both of these animals. We eat meat and vegetables. How can it be wrong to do what we’re bread for? Now killing random people at a church or grocery store, killing for no reason at all I totally understand labeling them a murderer and sentencing them to life in prison. Keep casting judgment the way your society and government tell you and the world will continue to get worse. You can wake up one day and easily become a killer to by society’s standards. A simple car accident can do that. One that’s literally on accident with no malicious intent. Not even on drugs, just a simple accident. Now you’re locked up for 10 to 15 years where you to will get to meet some good killers. So next time you cast judgment on someone, you better know their story.

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