🔵 By Thomas Riffenburg. Photo by lauragrafie.

I was asked once what I would do with a second chance at freedom. If I were speaking in order to simply gain that opportunity, well then perhaps I would say how, I would try to lead people away from the wrong type of life I lived; I would try to explain the moral foundation of society, and how functioning within it wasn’t only right, but easy to do; I would actually try to live life. But those are just empty words to me.

Were I speaking with honesty, then not only would I never be given a second chance, I would perhaps justify the actions of my captors when I was placed even deeper into the pit of solitary than I am now. I know there’s not much understanding of this type of mindset, one that seems deranged or even “not all there”, as many would put it. Even worse would it be when I stated how completely justified and reasonably my thoughts are. By my own words I would condemn myself, and society would feel not guilt in burying alive another human being. Why wouldn’t I just give the perception of a changed man in order to get the chance at freedom?, some may ask, yet I find within this question a suggestion of compromise something very against my nature. I see life as a passing play, acted out by us in different manner of roles, citizen, husband, son, worked, etc. Yet within this category of “actors!, one may also find the filth of liars, cowards, thiefs, etc. All dishonorable offenses, ones which a person may or may not be able to make amends for.

Yet certainly such offenses against, not only man, but spiritual as well, come at a most horrible cost, habit forming. To allow oneself to easily slip into the habit of offending the spirit, ones very own spirit, is one of the most self-destructive acts there is. Truly I exaggerate such a statement, one may say, yet I don’t believe so. Regardless of ones belief in mans origin and destiny, religion or evolution, all would agree that what is done by us, matters in some way in some form with regards to universal balance. Too much evil will tip those unseen scales into the negative, just as much good done will in some way be a positive amount of what people call karma.

But this is not about good or evil, some will say, but is it not I say? Is the acceptance of you will to do something that is seen as wrong to you not an act of wrong against the very thing within you that prompts you not to do or say what you believe to be wrong? For me I find this to be true. And for this reason, to act in a deceitful way in which society regards as “good”, would be to me to be a slight against my own inner nature. That is simply the truth of it. For if, as I believe, a higher intelligence created me and gave to me the faculties and spiritual promptings I possess, then surely these faculties are worthy to be adhered to. And should I find myself at an instance to where my beliefs and actions are held to be unjust and despicable, then at least I can know that to my inner self, thus my creator, was kept free from stain of guilt. Some would take my words to mean a guilt-free criminal of any sort, and to them I would say they do my words injustice knowingly. In a world where there is filled all manner of injustices, big and small, one must always strive to be true towards one own self, for as constant “updates” in society as to what is good and what is wrong, one may never know truly where one stands in regards to the law, but to ones self one can, and must, always know.

The stage has been set for our life, and ever so quickly does it draw towards the closing. It is but an instant in the grand scheme of things. One must not allow the many temporary actors of the play to dictate the eternal stage for your soul. There are so many beliefs, mine is but another. My beliefs have been condemned, therefor laid before me are but two options: act against my soul, or stand fast with it. I have chosen to stand fast with it, so I bear the consequences. If you were asked the question of being given a second chance, would you choose to willingly compromise against your inner self for the favorable results, or would you stand fast regardless of consequences? If you would compromise, then I don’t expect you to understand my words.

If you would stand fast, then it seems we are one and the same, for we know each other on a higher level, and to you, I salute you kindred spirit.

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