🔵 By Steven L. Neugent. Photo by lauragrafie.
There was a man
And he had a flute,
He played a tune
Up on the roof.
And people came
From far and wide,
mesmerized by
This tune so fine.
He led them down
A merry trail,
It did seem a
Sunny path so frail.
The music was sweet
As new as spring wine,
And none gave call
To the day or time.
When suddenly there was
Silence all around,
Just as the tune stopped
There was no sound.
For the crowd had stopped
And looked all around,
But there was no
Flutist to be found!
Beware the tune
Of the political mind,
Their songs of anger
All sweet like wine.
They lead us to death
With the greed of their songs,
They tell us they care
When we know they are wrong.
We need much love
But it is easier to hate
We must come to our senses
Before it’s too late.
Human nature’s aggression
Seems to be our fate.
The survival of civilization
it hangs by a string,
Created by the Creator
LOVE was His thing
We all need to have
A LOVE revival,
Or we are not worthy
Of our species survival.