🔵 By Heather LeAnn Horst. Photo by lauragrafie.

Follow all DOC rules and regulations at all times,
Even when you are sleeping;
Don’t look in their eyes,
It’s a sign of aggression;
Don’t show them you are intelligent,
It’s a threat;
Don’t show anger,
They will use it against you,
Don’t give them power,
but don’t take it;
Don’t cry,
They will seclude you;
Don’t show them compassion,
it confuses them,
Don’t show them you struggle,
it amuses them;
Don’t cherish what you have,
They will take it,
Don’t lie down,
but don’t stand;
Don’t explain the truth,
They will see it as lies and semantics;
Obey all directives as given by staff,
Even when they contradict,
Act like a human,
Even when treated as an animal,
Walk inside the lines,
Even when dizzy;
Let them think you are being melodramatic,
It helps them sleep at night;
Accept this number.
It’s now who you are.
You aren’t a young woman with a loving family.
You are 244059.
You aren’t a woman with dreams and potential.
You are 244059.
God is the only rightful judge,
but others will play God.
God will call you by name,
not by 244059.
Get used to being categorized,
Your OID is the only unique thing about you.
Get used to not being trusted
Dishonesty is what is expected of you.
Get used to humiliation.
It’s often their goal.
Get used to being known for your bad deeds,
Good deeds go unnoticed.
Get used to no chances.
You won’t be given the first.
Get used to being stripped naked after a visit with your grandma.
It’s policy.
Get used to being told to lift your breasts, turn around, wiggle your toes, comb your fingers through your hair, pull your ears forward, spread your butt cheeks and cough and squat three times.
You don’t have a choice.
Remember, that while this brings back painful memories of rape,
This is nothing like that.
This time you can’t say “No.”
You are offender 244059.

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