🔵 🔴 By Allen Chisom. Photo by lauragrafie.

The other day while flipping through television channels I saw a news headline that read „Should Death Row Inmates Be Allowed to Donate Organs?“ Wow! Are you serious? That makes absolutely no sense to me, but obviously I have a bias being an inmate myself; a convict, a felon, a begrudged, disenfranchised member of society.
Firstly, let’s properly define this word „hate“ so that we aren’t fooling ourselves into believing it’s anything other than that to make us ask such a question. Hate is defined as intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger or sense of injury. As a society do we hate crime or do we hate the people who commit said crimes? Is out hate justified? And will we ever be able to create anything positive or productive with all this hate?

I fully understand the impact that crime has on humanity and upon civilizations. I understand the need for law and order. But you can’t physically punish a person beyond death nor does it help for peoples of a civilized culture to dehumanize people because they themselves have committed acts to dehumanize other people. It is a cycle that can only end in destruction.

I am not on death row, but only because this state does not have the death penalty. Do you hate me so much that you would deny me the opportunity to possibly save someone else’s life? I would say that anyone who harbors that much hate in their heart is in way worse shape than I am.
„In most civilized countries prison is where society sends its failures, but in this country society itself is failing.“

🔴 Als ich neulich durch die Fernsehkanäle blätterte, sah ich eine Schlagzeile, die lautete: „Sollten Häftlinge in der Todeszelle Organe spenden dürfen?“ Wow! Are you serious? Das ergibt für mich absolut keinen Sinn, aber offensichtlich bin ich voreingenommen, da ich selbst ein Häftling bin; ein Sträfling, ein Schwerverbrecher, ein missgünstiges, entrechtetes Mitglied der Gesellschaft.

Zunächst einmal sollten wir das Wort „Hass“ genau definieren, damit wir uns nicht vormachen, es sei etwas anderes als das, was uns dazu bringt, eine solche Frage zu stellen. Hate is defined as intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger or sense of injury. As a society do we hate crime or do we hate the people who commit said crimes? Is out hate justified? Und werden wir jemals in der Lage sein, mit all diesem Hass etwas Positives oder Produktives zu schaffen?
Ich habe volles Verständnis für die Auswirkungen, die Verbrechen auf die Menschheit und auf Zivilisationen haben. I understand the need for law and order. But you can’t physically punish a person beyond death nor does it help for peoples of a civilized culture to dehumanize people because they themselves have committed acts to dehumanize other people. It is a cycle that can only end in destruction. Ich sitze nicht in der Todeszelle, aber nur, weil dieser Staat die Todesstrafe nicht kennt. Do you hate me so much that you would deny me the opportunity to possibly save someone else’s life? Ich würde sagen, dass jeder, der so viel Hass in seinem Herzen trägt, in einer viel schlechteren Verfassung ist, als ich es bin. „In den meisten zivilisierten Ländern schickt die Gesellschaft ihre Versager ins Gefängnis, aber in diesem Land versagt die Gesellschaft selbst.“

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