🔵 By Johnny Tijerina. Photo by lauragrafie.

My name is Johnny Tijerina. I am currently serving a 30 year sentence in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice System for poss. of meth with intent to deliver. I am 45 years of age and well, my sentence is big, first time drug charge. These people in the justice system are crazy they are giving a 20 year sentence for murder but want to hang a person for drugs. It’s not about justice any longer, it’s a business.
We are all just numbers and job security in the great state of Texas. As you enter Texas from any state there are signs posted „don’t mess with Texas“ and these people mean it.

I have been learning about serving God and doing the right things in life so that when I am given the chance on going home on parole I can live proper and make the right choices in life. I grew up without much direction in life, my mom had numerous boyfriends and sometimes two at a time so I saw violence, alcohol, drugs – it was endless what I experienced in life, I will get into many things as I write and add to this column. I want to start off by saying life is all about „choices“, we are responsible for them all!!!

Now, lots of people blame parents for their life when in fact it is our life choices that make our lives what they are. To be able to make transformations in life we have to be open to doing new things and also forgive our past and also ourselves for things we have done! I face abandonment as I type this letter, my family has been estranged from me for about three years now, I had a what we call a baby momma but one month after my incarceration I get the „Dear John“ letter saying I would not hear from her ever again or from my son „but“ I serve a might and powerful God!! I have heard from her and my son here and there!!! Praise. I know everyone has different beliefs and religion. I am not by no means wanting to push or tell people what they should believe.

I know as I go through life trials and tribulations I have my brothers in Christ. I have been feeling depressed today due to my mom letting me down. I was told she was coming to see me about a week ago but no visit!!! So I call to make sure they are ok and one week later no answer on the phone calls. I made sure to check on them, I finally get through and was lied to (that my step-dad had lost his phone) which it comes to light, it was all deceit and lies. They actually went on vacations but why??? The lies??? Why set someones hopes up just to shatter them?

Well comes to be a lesson for me as I was writing this letter my brother in Christ „Beto“ comes to my door along with my new lil brother „Jose“ and he delivers me a strong prayer he had come to mind at church even this morning! And well I guess even if my family lies to me and is never honest at least they are alive!!!

Well dear readers and followers I will be posting more soon so stay tuned and keep the faith! Thank you colors on concrete I am new but will get better at things!!! If anyone feels like writing me you can, my information is on my profile! Thanks for reading!

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