MWD 21.O3.22-27.O3.22

🔵 By Michael Klevene. Photo by lauragrafie.

Michael’s Weekly Diary 21.03-27.03.22

Quote for the week: (Proverbs 19:20).“Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.“

Monday March 21, 2022. Today’s Bible reading: Exodus 39: 1-7. A good breakfast today – another cool morning at 50 degrees. Picked up biscuits, potatoes, jelly. Wish we still were getting bacon or sausage but haven’t had that for a few years now. Just read in the Legal Information Services email that 6200 BOP employees have left in the last 2 years – (9 per day), and fewer than 2000 have been hired to fill the vacancies. At the same time, the BOP took in 1150 new prisoners just in February alone! Most of our officers are now working double shifts – usually midnight to 8am, then 8am to 4pm. Also 8am to 4pm then 4pm to midnight. 16 hour days- lots of overtime & fatigue. Lunch and dinner none of my favorites today.

Tuesday March 22. Today’s Bible reading: Acts 8: 26-35. Frosted flakes for breakfast so had a Pop-Tart. Handing out only 2 milks so can’t supply Tony or Zman. Supposed to be going down to level 1 GREEN this week – we’ll see. Chicken patty sandwiches for lunch today- very nice piece of chicken this time. Our rec move is every day at 11:30 now – the one early morning (9:30) has been changed to 11:30 now. Friday is mowing day so we don’t go- Sat. is at 5:30 pm. Didn’t go out today though – napped instead. Getting up at 4:30 every morning is very tiring…Found out that Facilities had been here and fixed my 2 broken sinks and the 2 faulty urinals- don’t know when they were here but all is well – well, mostly – the one sink with the leaky trap is still leaking – I wrapped it in a sheet of plastic to keep it from leaking all over the floor. No comment on dinner.

Wednesday March 23. Today’s Bible reading: Genesis 1: 20-25. Another late breakfast call- pancakes & grits. Still only giving 2 milks out – Zman was up so got his but Tony got none. Lunch picked up – hamburger, waffle fries, and more Panettones – heard they brought in another pallet of them – yea! Rec called at 11:45 but stayed in again. Dinner disaster- should be pizza & spaghetti but got taco meat, rice & tortilla chips. Gave it away & had Pop-Tarts.

Thursday March 24. Today’s Bible reading: James 2:1-4. Wise advice from today’s reading – „Every person on earth is created in God’s image, whether rich or poor. No one is favored more than another in His eyes, and each is in need of a Savior“ – especially those of us who are incarcerated in prisons & jails. Add the Ukrainians who are under Putin’s war attack.

Front coming through so rainy this morning – picked up breakfast of frosted flakes & one more Panettone, banana. „Grown Man“ on a tear today – our house is not „inspection ready“ again so all h**l is breaking loose… (my room is always ready for anything & anyone). Chicken lunch pickup is really good today – also mashed potatoes & gravy – chicken actually has some seasoning so even the skin tastes good! Dinner supposed to be Chef salad – BUT- were given vegetable soup & bologna sandwiches. The soup was pretty good though – and we were last so got 2 trays- plus I got 2 from cellie Tony so lots of soup tonight.

Friday March 25. Today’s Bible reading: Jeremiah 29:4-7, 10-14. The French toast breakfast is ok – but no syrup – got strawberry jelly instead. Oatmeal flavored with cinnamon- also not bad. Kind of cloudy this morning but no rain. Today we are back to Level 1 GREEN status but nothing has changed around here yet- changes probably coming next Monday when more officers are here. Weather cleared up so blue skies again- breezy. Fish patty for lunch. Dinner supposed to be lasagna but had chili mac again instead- guess no one can figure out how to put lasagna together. Computers were out all day but finally came back on after dinner- hope they get that fixed soon.

Saturday March 26. Today’s Bible reading: Proverbs 11: 1-3. From Proverbs – „To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction“. Wish most of the others around me would read and follow this one…Cold & breezy this morning to pick up oatmeal- rec called at 7:45 so went out & walked 3 miles on the track – (6 laps). Perfect day to be outside! Scrambled eggs, potatoes & pancakes – still no syrup but got a blob of grape jelly instead…Everyone is very noisy today so hard to nap.

Sunday March 27. Today’s Bible reading: 1 peter 5: 6-11. Another cool morning to pick up grits for breakfast. Easy slow morning – then picked up lunch of scrambled eggs, potatoes & pancakes. Someone upstairs in C3 got high on spice and ran towards the barred window at the end of the unit- apparently to try to get away – and busted his head open – had to be taken to medical, then sounds like he was air-lifted to the hospital. Stupid guy- was scheduled to be released in 4 days…

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