🔵 By Shane Espinoza. Photo by lauragrafie.

Prison definitely gives perspective to the concept of being alone. I have come to terms with the fact that loneliness is a part of my life. It shows up and I acknowledge that it is there. Then I move on. It’s like taking an ice cold shower. The jolt to me system is shocking. I know it is happening. I endure it as fast as I can, then get out and move on. Loneliness always comes with a shock, however, I have learned how to embrace it and not get lost in it.

When I am alone I tend to write, draw or read. I put on some mediation music and take in the moment. Expressing myself through writing or art allows me to communicate with others. Now, I don’t engage in these activities for the purpose of interacting with others. I do it to express emotions that present themselves. It keeps me in the moment. Some of my favorite work comes when loneliness strikes. We all have an inherent need to express ourselves. How do we do that when we feel alone? I do some journaling or I pull out some paper and start sketching whatever appears in my mind. Getting things out and not suppressing them allows me to continue to grow and learn. I remember thinking loneliness would eventually consume me. It did not. As I work on myself I realize that loneliness actually gives me strength. It provides me the opportunity to look at my life and journey for a deeper sense of meaning. Because of this I now know who I am, what I am worth and where I am headed.

Not everyone takes those lonely times to dig deep. Some are afraid to be alone. Others push people away because they choose to be alone. I have learned that there is a healthy middle ground. Relationships are important for growth. Loneliness allows for the evaluation of where I am on my journey.

What do you do when loneliness strikes?

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