MWD O3.O1.22-O9.O1.22

🔵 By Michael Klevene. Photo by lauragrafie.

Michael’s Weekly Diary 03.01-09.01.22

Chuckle for the week: „The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it’s unfamiliar territory.“ – Actor Paul Fix

Today’s Bible reading – Psalm 145: 8-20. Mon. Jan 3, 2022. Woke up this morning around 3am & had a cold wind coming in through my window – I had taken off my blanket as it was hot in the dorm earlier this morning with the AC still off. A cold front has come through & brought colder temps. to us so had to put my blanket back on again. Got up at 4:30 in the cooler air – felt good again. Rumor of going to „Level 3 RED“ has not happened yet so went to pick up breakfast – it actually is what’s on the menu – biscuits, potatoes, oatmeal, (but no gravy – jelly instead). Listened to ESPN to hear more about the Buccaneer’s „star“ receiver Antonio Brown’s leaving the team – (continued from yesterday’s message): it seems he was needed during the game at least 2 times, told to go in & play, refused to play, and Head Coach Bruce Arians then told him to get out. He left the field throwing his uniform parts to the crowd as he left, so apparently he’s gone. Never saw another player leave the team or a game in the middle of the action like that. That news is all over the TV (CNN, ESPN, HLN) and the radio stations too – (NPR, ESPN). Anyway, no classes or work call this morning – maybe they’re figuring out what to do if going to „Level 3 RED“… Finally called to lunch pick-up at 12:25 – got part way there & was turned around for not having my mask (I left it on my bed when I went out the door) along with several others but just stayed home & made a Pop-Tart instead of getting beef tacos, which I don’t like anyway. Napped until 2pm hoping to see Facilities workers fixing the urinals, sinks or AC but they’re not here yet… Nope – didn’t come today but hopefully tomorrow. Went to pick up dinner – should be spaghetti & meatballs but don’t expect to see that as we haven’t had it for several months – and sure enough, turns out to be chili mac again. Collard greens & a teaspoon of mixed vegetables. Not a great dinner… and luckily never did get to RED level today.

Today’s Bible reading – Matthew 7: 24-27. Tues. Jan. 4. Another cold morning to go out to pick up breakfast – today it’s bran flakes & chocolate cake as usual. Only go for the milks, which I use for lunch & dinner. Got the ice early (5:05am) before it runs out – supposed to have another ice machine brought in today – if they come. Same with facilities to fix the sinks, urinals (only 2 left working slightly now for 155 guys…) AC and shower fans. We need to get these fixed! Well, it seems lunch has been delayed by a fight in B2 and a phone found up in C3 – but finally at 12:30 we were called to pick up lunch – should be a chicken patty sandwich but- were served beef strips in gravy, green beans & potatoes! Thin mints for dessert. Was really good too. Must not be able to get some chicken items as we haven’t had any chicken patties for several months now. Just went to use the „facilities“ in the restroom but workers have the urinals off the wall and the „Roto-rooter“ is working full time to get the drains unclogged. Hope they fix the sinks too – the AC seems to be back on now so things are looking up. Well, still no AC felt on my side of the dorm but I can hear it and feel it in the bathroom sink and shower areas. Sink is unplugged but the other one still leaks – had to put a mop bucket under it to catch the flow as the floor was getting wet as a river. Mail call gave me my newspaper and a new Rolling Stone Magazine. Dinner was supposed to be Salisbury steak but we had hot dogs, slaw & a small bag of chips instead. Always interesting to see what we’ll have to eat lately…

Today’s Bible reading – Ezekiel 45: 8-10, 17-20. Wed. Jan 5. Warmer this morning so didn’t need a coat to go get exactly what we’re supposed to have – pancakes, oatmeal, milks & cake. Surprised us with oatmeal & pancakes again – expecting bran flakes! „Grown Man“, CM Brin, Counselor Thomas making the rounds to be sure we’re „inspection ready“- Grown Man had to give another speech after sending us to our cubes again on how everything is supposed to look – always the same things. Our cube is always ready so no problems there. All the bathroom facilities seem to be working – my one sink/faucet is still leaking badly so an old mop bucket has been placed underneath – I’ll keep emptying as needed as that sink gets used the most. Called earlier than usual to pick up lunch tray of hamburger & tater tots. Mostly cold but pretty tasty – tots are over-fried so most crumbled into dust. No dessert either today. Should be able to nap today as we’re done eating by 11:30 – we go to rec tonight though so it may be noisy in here this afternoon. Nope – not too noisy so napped until 1:30. 4pm count was taken, then delayed, then re-counted- perhaps they forgot Mr. A. had to be taken to the hospital at 3pm? Finally count was cleared. Dinner delayed as well – finally called to pick up taco salad at 6pm. I don’t like late dinners… especially when the „salad“ part of the dinner is not there. Only taco meat, rice, black beans & tortilla chips – I only wanted the salad (lettuce) so I gave the whole mess to Nicky, my 22-kt golden-haired very cute buddy. Came back & ate a Pop-Tart (what else? haha). Sink still leaking, and the mop bucket I had under it has magically disappeared! Maybe it will show up again some time soon…

Today’s Bible reading – Colossians 3: 12-17. Thursday Jan. 6. Cooler this morning – should have worn a coat to pick up breakfast – corn flakes, chocolate cake & milks – late start again at 7:30 (should have been called at 6). No reason why the late start. Mop bucket is back but faucet leaking too much so I have to close it off for now – too much water all over the floor. „Grown Man“ patrolling, policing, complaining all around the dorm today – but he says we’re „looking good“. We’re supposed to be getting 15 others to us here from B building today – that will bring us up to 160. Too many for the limited facilities.
I still had not received my 2020 Stimulus payment of $1800 from the IRS so wrote a letter to them to find out why. They are slow so it will be awhile before I hear anything. Lunch called after the noisy clamor of the new people arriving – lots of noise, confusion, belongings, bed rolls, stuff everywhere. Picked up baked chicken, rice, green beans & mushroom gravy along with pineapple pie. Not too bad – would have preferred potatoes over rice… so many new people here – many Latinos/Puerto Ricans so I can’t understand all the loud conversations going on all afternoon but did manage to get an hour’s nap in. Still lots of movement both in & out – 8 guys moving back to A2 – the Veteran’s dorm – but they won’t move until after dinner, which is chicken fajitas, black beans, rice & tortilla wraps. Seems like we’ll be getting 5 more from „B“ house, and we’ll be moving back to Level 3 RED tomorrow. Too much Covid in the nearby community, so restrictions will go back into effect – meals & commissary delivered, no visitation, limited rec and education/classes. Have to wait to see how far they go with all this – stay tuned!

Today’s Bible reading – 1 Peter 1: 3-9. Fri. Jan. 7. Went to pick up breakfast so Level 3 RED not yet in effect – might start at 8am at shift change. Breakfast of French toast & oatmeal. Fr. toast was baked too long so hard as a rock for one piece. Apple & milks also. Waiting to hear/read about RED level 3 operations – no info yet at 8:30am. „Normal“ operations so far today – rec workers, laundry, Unicor as usual. Lunch pick-up called of fairly large breaded fish filet, corn bread, macaroni salad. No bun or bread but I still have bread from a few days ago so I used that – usually don’t eat the fish but it was not too bad today. Able to nap until 1:30- surprisingly quiet all afternoon. We were finally informed of the Level 3 RED restrictions before the 4pm count – which was a „bed-book count“ – meaning they check our ID’s to make sure everyone is in the assigned cubes after receiving 18 new people yesterday. The usual RED level restrictions apply at least for now – all activities limited to one dorm at a time only – rec, work, education, etc. No visits for now. Masks worn at all times inside & outside. Hopefully won’t last but a few weeks. Going to pick up dinner – should be chicken fried rice – but found chef’s salad instead- lettuce, tomatoes, turkey, boiled egg, beets. One of my favorites – I have Hidden Valley Ranch dressing so it was really good – much better than the „c.f.r.“. Chef’s salad isn’t even on the menu for this week – just another surprise substitution again. Can’t wait to see what we’ll have tomorrow!

Today’s Bible reading – Leviticus 16: 1-5. Sat. Jan. 8. Picked up breakfast – expecting bran flakes but – got oatmeal, chocolate cake, banana, & milks – very good! Just what it’s supposed to be! Another cold morning – glad I wore my coat. Slow morning – listened to CNN then NPR Weekend Edition with Scott Simon – I’ve been listening to him there for 20 years or so. Found out actor Sidney Poitier has passed away at age 93 – everyone I talked to here thought he was already dead…Omicron variant is spreading far & wide pretty fast – lots of children in the hospital – especially the youngest who can’t get the vaccine yet. Pray for their health & safety please. Went to pick up lunch at 11am – scrambled eggs, pancakes, tater tots. Pancakes are overbaked & hard so only the center portion is edible. Had a nap after lunch – slept pretty good today. Not much going on all afternoon so slow day. Called to pick up dinner at 6pm – tuna salad, mixed vegs. Had elbow macaroni in the tuna today – must be trying to stretch it out but wasn’t too bad. Did a few crossword puzzles, cleaned up sinks after the hair cutters were in there all day – messy all over.

Today’s Bible reading – Titus 3: 3-7. Sunday Jan. 9. Waiting at 8am to pick up breakfast – should be grits etc. Nope – no grits – just corn flakes & spice cake. But there was a banana so it’s ok. I made a Pop-Tart, ate my banana, and listened to CNN, then NPR radio Weekend Edition. Late count – should be at 10am but was finally at 10:25. Called second to lunch at 11:10 – picked up boiled eggs, French toast (supposed to be pancakes – but the FT is better…), & potatoes. Nice balanced lunch…(haha). Getting ready to nap at noon – Tampa Bay Buccaneers were scheduled to play the Carolina Panthers at 1pm but the game is rescheduled to 4:25 – at Tampa- so I’ll listen to it then. Bucs are already the NFC South Champions so game doesn’t really matter – but would love to have the first 13 – win season ever for us. (This is the first season there are 17 games – always been 16 but expanded this year). Dinner tonight is supposed to be Swedish meatballs but we haven’t had those for months now so – what will it be? Can’t wait to find out…. So – we were given another surprise! When brought back to the dorm, the meal seemed like a chicken dish but turned out to be a delicious pork meal never before seen – thin slices of pork, onions, peppers, carrots & sauce over rice. It was sort of pork stew, and very good. I hope they will make this again some time! At that time the Bucs were playing from behind after another slow start, but came back in the second half to score 31 more points and ended up winning 41-17. Playoffs start next weekend, and the Bucs should be playing the Philadelphia Eagles at home in Tampa. GO BUCS! Oh, and another sink is plugged so that’s 2 now (out of 12) that need repair – I hope we can get signs to eliminate cleaning bowls & leaving food in the bathroom sinks – they should be using the mop closet sinks.

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