🔵 By Nicole Followill. Photo by lauragrafie.

Most Americans convicted of crimes have no idea how the court system works, or what their rights are. The united States Constitution was built to protect the citizens, to ensure life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. If that is true why are police allowed to lie to a person convicted of an alleged crime? Isn’t that a huge manipulation? Especially since the person convicted is not suppose to lie, and if they do, it is used against them. It is an innate right to be protected against self incrimination. (Fifth Amendment.)

This injustice system has become a struggle for money and power. The famous Milgram experiment proves that humans will abuse their power 65-85+-% of the time. That is why the system should be built on rehabilitation and how the underlying problems affected the situation in the 1st place. I believe to fix these problems we must study the countries with the lowest recidivism and crime rates, and implement how they got it right. One of my favorite quotes is:

“When the love of power is overcome with love the world with then known peace.” – Jimmy Hendrix.

Some serious changes need to happen in the United States (In)Justice system. I will start making one small change at a time. My pain has been for a purpose.

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