Contact me at:
Terell Davison #R70904
Lawrence Correctional Center
10940 Lawrence Rd.
Sumner, IL 62466

🎉 Birthday: June 27, 1987

📯 Terell is allowed to receive:
– No limit to photos per envelope
– No limit to papers per envelope
– Greeting cards/Postcards

(Not edited.) Terell says:
To a beautiful host.
Should I never appear to show awareness? To step out of yourself in view the understanding of others who care for you. Doesn’t it reveal a balance of understand between the two? It shows either we caring this love as the same level of compassion beyond energy or I just allow myself to be a blessing in my way wherts not normal to you. We are glorified hearts, many are not brave to hold a wonderful experience with abundance, there can be people who are blind to see and feel the real meaning of fellowship in love right in their face.
We are the gratitude in the living among! That brings life-filled with a burning flame which never goes out although our love can be taken in vine. You are the uncommon level of love. You are the reflection of differance in a temple performing you through which are concise between them“ with sacrifice emotionally open to risk astounding with style.

We are „different cloths“ although we share the same field. Meaning, different fruits in the garden.
Nevertheless! Just because we come from the same field, does not mean we have the same reason bast on intentions in our performance making love firm.
Around us“ have learn how to imitate showing themselves outside in the shadows through their first approach in spirit to remove our foundation glory to build, a lustful relation as honor to shame your crown! „Bad fruits“. Understand how to be a character among. These are people who never shown their real self, living behind a mask who are not loveable.

So, my love! Observe, there are storms among us that blows a tree leaves from the branch that push fruits in our backyard. Be careful please! And also stand firm because reality also means, everyone doesn’t have knowledge of what real love is dwelling within. It’s not our job“ to show, people who we are. Its our job to be the best we are among them!. Salute! And never question my love within you. PS Rell. We are one spirit.