Contact me at:
Shane Feix #134773
Rhode Island Doc High Security Ctr.
P.O. Box 8200
Cranston, RI 02920

🎉 Birthday: August 4, 1988

📯 Shane is allowed to receive:
– 15 photos per envelope
– Any amount of pages in one envelope
– Greeting cards/Postcards
Shane can be contacted on Corrlinks.

Shane says:
Hello my name is Shane Feix. I’m 34 years old with almost 16 years served since I was 12 years old, I can honestly say that this is my last time. I’ve wasted half my life so I’m going to enjoy the rest of it. I have a solid plan for a job that trains you to wield even if you’re an ex-convict so I’m going to take full advantage of that. The reason I come to jail so much is because I have no positive friends and the only person in my family who cares about me lives in a different part of the country and he’s my 93 year old grampa who I love dearly. The state I live in won’t let me leave and go to his state. This time though I’m going to a sober living house and I am going to make it to my dream of a family and wife who loves me the way I love her. Thank you so much for your time and support.


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