Contact me at:
Ryan Murphy #R53344
Menard Correctional Center
P.O. Box 1000
Menard, IL 62259

🎉 Birthday: November 16, 1980

📯 Ryan is allowed to receive:
– 3 photos per envelope
– 4-5 papers per envelope
– Colored envelopes
– Greeting cards/postcards

Ryan says:
My name is Ryan Murphy aka GraceSon. I was convicted for an alleged first degree murder in 2005, on circumstantial evidence. This in turn crushed whatever spirit I had in me at the time. By the grace of God what was meant for my bad had turned out for my good. A comrade once told me that „for you to claim to not being locked in, you sure to your best to stay that way.“ Prior to, I chose not to reach outside of these walls with my thoughts, ideas, words and voice. I’m a 1980’s baby from the west side of Chicago, FL … A product of unfortunate circumstances and situations. So due to things that I’ve seen, done, felt or heard, these are my thoughts manifested into words… for the world to be seen, felt and heard. So the goal is for me to get what’s on the inside of me and these walls out… In hopes to penetrate a soul and provoke thought. Peace. Ryan (GraceSon)