Contact me at:
Rahnzell Rahn #174024
Randall L. Williams Correctional Facility
7206 West 7th Ave
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
🎉 Birthyear: 1999
📯 Rahnzell is allowed to receive:
– Postcards
– 5 photos per envelope
– 3 written/printed papers (front + back, front)
Rahnzell says:
Hi my name is Rahnzell Rahn. I’m 22, mentally I’m 50 lol. I’m not into material things. I’m pretty down to earth. I love Anime, Food, People & Learning. I am currently learning Spanish. Once I’m fluent in Spanish I will learn Japanese. I love night time and rain. I have many ambitions and aspirations that I would love to share!