Contact me at:
Leeroy Carballo #01462910
Pack Unit
2400 Wallace Pack Rd.
Navasota, TX 77868

🎉 Birthday: November 30, 1978

📯 Leeroy is allowed to receive:
– 10 photos per envelope
– 40 papers per envelope
– Postcards

Leeroy says:
Hi, I invite you to read my stories. May they bless your heart and encourage you to think about the deeper things in life. I like to help people. I consider myself a helper in this world. I value making a positive difference in the lives of people here who often feel alone, depressed, or like no one understands them. I believe in offering support, friendship and hope to people in this world who need to know that someone cares. I encourage others here to treat displaced plans as temporary setbacks, not failures, and to remind others that everything changes; nothing remains static, that we can pin our hope on the fact that whatever emotional place we may find ourselves in, we will be somewhere else in time. I believe in hope. Consider writing to me. I love to write. Bless your heart. From a positive pal, Leeroy.