🎉 Birthday: July 3rd, 1984

📯 Jamel is allowed to receive:
– 25 photos per envelope
– Unlimited papers per envelope
– Postcards

Jamel only receives photocopies!

Jamel says:
I’m just looking to push love… Anyone who’s willing to help me accomplish this, please don’t hesitate to contact me asap and learn all about „the love movement“ I’m trying to push. Also please be aware that I’m not in this for any type of rewards or monetary funds… My only wish is to connect with people with pure hearts and surround myself with like-minded people whom enjoy helping people as much as I do. Any questions you want to ask me I’m a open book and I only hope my honestly can prevent people from making the same mistakes I made that lead me to prison. And lastly, any woman who needs good pure advice from a pure-hearted perspective, I’m willing to enlighten you, and I hope to meet a great-hearted woman who love’s science and the truth. And thank you to all that read this please be inspired to push love!