Contact me at:
Daniel Kirkconnell #BJ6994
P.O. Box 5248
Corcoran, CA 93212
🎉 Birthday: April 20th, 1981
📯 Daniel is allowed to receive:
– 20 photos per envelope
– 16 ounces of paper per envelope
– Greeting cards/Postcards
Daniel can be reached on GTL.

Daniel says:
After losing everything, and everyone, even my very identity, I looked in the mirror and hated what I saw so much that I lost my sanity. I have spent years piecing a broken heart back together. First, my moral compass, then my mind, and finally my emotions. With anything that shatters not all the shards are going to fit the same, and many are missing with various sized gaps left in their absence. I am hoping to find the pieces to make me whole again, and yet something new and magnificent, like a mosaic. I want to grow into a singular masterpiece of grand design as I heal interwoven with others to be esteemed by the congregants of life’s journey. In honor of those I have harmed and to those I may interact with in the future, I engross myself in vigorous onus to God, education, group therapy, and a variety of self-help and theological studies while in prison (literally hundreds of books, articles, journals and essays). I have just finished four Associate’s Degrees: Sociology, American Studies, Behavioral and Social Sciences, and Math and Science. I am one class from a psychology degree and two classes from a communications degree, and I plan to pursue my Bachelor’s Degree in Communications. I am also a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society. I have grown to the point that I am helping others along the way as a Certified Peer Literacy Mentor (1 on 1 GED instructor and College tutor). I believe ignorance is the primary enemy to humanity, and I feel I can provide hope and guidance by teaching people enough so they can educate themselves. Even if I am serving a life sentence, by giving people the tools to succeed in prison and when they are released, I know it is one way I can protect those I care about. Although the world has seen me at my worst, you all deserve the opportunity to see me at my best, even if you choose to never take that opportunity.
My dream is to one day show the world the goodness in me by creating a better world, and seek forgiveness and restoration with all those I have hurt. Then maybe one day I can go home, maybe one day I can find some loving friendships, and then one day I can bring joy and light into people’s lives and likewise they can bring light and joy to mine. I only hope I will be worthy.