Contact me at:
Damien Tisbert #96166
138 East Milan Road
Berlin, NH 03570

🎉 Birthyear: 1991

📯 Damien is allowed to receive:
– Photos (100 per envelope)
– 10 white pages in one envelope
(Damien receives photo-copies of all incoming mail, no originals.)

Damien says:
This is my start page, there are non like it because this one is mine. Without my page I have no voice and without me, my page has no voice. My name is Damien Tisbert and I’m serving a 47-life sentence for 2nd Degree Murder. You never hear from me like countless other lifers if it wasn’t for this website. So here I am in small stories, quotes, poems and musings. Any and all questions are welcome and will be rewarded with a response.