Contact me at:
Allen Chisom #423169
Muskegon Correctional Facility
2400 Sheridan Drive
Muskegon, MI 49442
🎉 Birthday: July 26, 1980
📯 Allen is allowed to receive:
– 6 photos per envelope
– 6 papers per envelope
Allen is receiving photocopies of all incoming mail!

Allen says:
Hello World. My name is Allen and if you’re interested here’s my life story in four paragraphs.
I was by all accounts a good kid … an honor roll student, Cub Scout, community volunteer, mama’s boy, and role model to my peers. Adversely, I helplessly looked on as my dad unmercifully kicked my mother’s ass since before I can remember. But my mom was no pushover and because she wouldn’t tolerate his bullshit my dad split when I was six years old. I chased that man’s love and his presence my whole life, I never found it. My mother did gave her all to keep me fed and happy. It wasn’t easy. We were poor – on a good day. I can sadly recall wading through countless embarrassing lines for every form of government assistance. Going to school in hand-me-down or Goodwill clothes and being laughed at really does something to a child’s psyche. I didn’t have much reason to look forward to birthdays or Christmas. I was introverted and I suffered from low self-esteem, yet I always managed to thrive academically. I had high hopes.
As I got older the situation began to change for the better. I found different ways to accumulate money. With that came a degree of confidence and in turn the attention of females. I twas a new feeling and I wanted more. I had nothing for so long and I wanted something and this was it. Over time I lost sight of my real goals and I began to chase my desires with reckless abandon. At the same time I developed a crippling gambling addiction that basically dictated my every move. I destroyed relationships and squandered opportunities that others would’ve love to have. College scholarships along with a possible military career wasted. I wound up spiraling into a deep depression and suffered a nervous breakdown.
During my psychotic rampage I took someone’s life…
Someone I knew and loved. Consequently I was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to natural life in prison. I was barely 21 then, I’m 42 now.
I still have high hopes. I’m alive. I’m healthy. I’m blessed. And despite my past indiscretions I still have every opportunity to do better and be better. The Creator has not given up on me, neither have i given up on myself. Oftentimes I feel as if the rest of the world has given up on me, but then the Universe sends me an angel to remind me that I still matter. Each of us should strive to be an angel to someone else because you never know the difference you can make in someones life.