Contact me at:
Stephen Stanko #6022
Broad River Secure Facility
4460 Broad River RD
Columbia, SC 29210

Can not be located at given address.

🎉 Birthday: January 13th, 1968

📯 Stephen is allowed to receive:
– 10 photos per envelope
– No limits to papers per envelope
– Greeting cards/Postcards

Stephen says:
Since entering death row, my goal has been clear and simple. Not every inmate can or should be defined solely by the incident, that resulted in their incarceration. There are good and bad people in the system (inmates and staff) and the system itself, is filled with positives and negatives that can change an individual’s life in either direction. My goal is to help the public to learn and understand the truths inside prison walls. Only then can things be fixed and made better. Right now, the general view of prisons comes from the sensationalized movies, television shows and magazines/books. My goal through books, articles and working with professors at colleges across the US is to increase the truths of prison life and provide knowledge and understanding.