Contact me at:
Daniel Campbell #1900878
James V. Allred Unit
2101 FM 369 North
Iowa Park, Texas 76367
🎉 Birthday: November 14, 1978
📯 Daniel is allowed to receive:
– 10 photos per envelope
– 8 pages in one envelope
Daniel says:
Hello. My name’s Daniel Campbell. I am currently serving a 54 yr sentence in TDCJ, Texas. U.S.A. 50 yrs originally and 4 more yrs. added on for some trouble I got in while here in prison. Apparently the half a century wasn’t enough to break through thick wall that separated myself from maturity. So 4 more yrs was added, that wall came tumbling down: and I now stand in that uncharted territory I would’ve never been able to handle hadn’t I finally decided the time is now. This is my third time here in prison. I’ve done about 18 yrs all together now. Simply put I just did not want to grow up. I put all my responsibilities on the backs of others and did what I wanted to do my whole life and well I own nothing and have been in and out of jail, juvenile hall, and prison my whole life.