Contact me at:
Alberto Baez Jr. #10371064
Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution
2500 Westgate Ave.
Pendleton, OR 97801
🎉 Birthday: April 24, 1971
📯 Alberto is allowed to receive:
– 5 photos per envelope
– 10 papers per envelope
– colored envelopes
– greeting cards/postcards
Alberto says:
Hello World, my name is Alberto or „Beto“ to my friends & family. I am currently serving multiple life sentences for crimes that I did not commit. Yet I have been sitting in prison for over 5 years praying every day that God will help me prove my innocence and give me the strength to endure this sad and lonely prison life. In this little online corner of cyberspace I will share my story, my thoughts, and myself with the world. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me, God bless. Sincerely, Alberto.