Contact me at:
Brittney Mikesell #Y38061
Decatur Correctional Center
2310 E Mound Rd.
Decatur, IL 62524
🎉 Birthday: January 28, 1995
📯 Brittney is allowed to receive:
– 25 photos per envelope
– 7 written/printed papers (front + back, front)
Brittney says:
Aquarius, 11 1/2 year sentence, Illinois USA
Likes: Mountain Dew, starry night skies, blue popsicles, hammocks, caramel, hula hoops, Harry Potter, Roller-coasters, money, sharpies, anime, Nintendo
L♥ves: Animals, cuddles, being in love, music (pop punk and electronic), helping others
I cannot tolerate Dishonesty!